
IMG_543970 summers ago, my grandfather, James J. Rorimer served in World War II as a Monuments Man searching for Hitler’s stolen art.  This summer, I am retracing his footsteps – from historic battlefields in Normandy to castles and salt mines in Germany.  Follow me “Monuments Girl” as I discover this story in person!

Fun Fact: At the premiere of The Monuments Men movie in February 2014, I’m wore a dress that belonged to my grandfather’s sister, (my great aunt).  See my post entitled “You took my sister, I’m taking your apartment” for the rest of the story!

6 thoughts on “About

  1. I’m really enjoying the blog, I’m currently writing an handbook for European Studies featuring a section the Monuments Men in the Art chapter and finding your travels very enjoyable! Do you have twitter?

  2. I’m enjoying following you on your journey. In a way we have similar stories – following in the footsteps of our forefathers and searching for art. My great grandpa, Moshe Rynecki, painted Polish Jewish life in the interwar years. He perished in the Holocaust. I am on a quest to find the lost and missing pieces of his original 800+ collection. I am making a docfilm about my journey and am headed to Poland in October. You can learn more on my site: http://www.ChasingPortraits.org.

    Best wishes as you continue on your journey. I’ve been sharing your blog posts on twitter. I don’t see you on twitter. Let me know if I’m wrong about that! I’m @erynecki


  3. We were on the Normandy tour with you and just had the chance to ready your blog – how compelling. You gave our experience a personal connection that made it that much more meaningful. I’ve shared it with some friends who have been to Normandy or are history fans too. I will enjoy following your story.

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